Zonar SightIQ Telematics for Aggregate Ops

April 29, 2022

Zonar SightIQ is a real-time analytics solution for construction aggregate operations.

The asset productivity and health solution increases the efficiency and cycle times in pits and quarries by delivering a real-time, consolidated view of, and insights into, an operation’s equipment, machines and vehicles regardless of make, model, year, manufacturer, or asset location.

With the solution, construction aggregate site operators eliminate the need to manually collect and analyze data from disparate sources and time-consuming production impact studies. In return, operators can focus on unearthing enhanced profits by leveraging SightIQ insights to avoid costly breakdowns and fine-tune site processes, the company says. Additionally, SightIQ meets the Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP) 2.0 telematics standard, pulling asset data from all major yellow-iron OEMs into a singular unified view accessible through Zonar Ground Traffic Control.